Meet the Metro Missionary Families
Currently on Deputation
Metro Missionaries are dedicated to spreading the gospel and planting churches across various regions. These deputizing families are actively raising funds for their crucial church planting efforts.
Join us in the endeavor to bring the hope of the gospel to communities in need. Your support enables us to extend our reach and make a meaningful impact in people's lives. Together, we can sow seeds of faith and build a brighter future in North America for generations to come.
Cluster, Mick & Deborah - Philadelphia, PA
In 1999 the call to “Build the Church” came to the Cluster’s. Later that same year the Lord called them to Pennsylvania. They moved in 2001 and from that time until now have been personally involved in planting 3 churches as well as 3 daughter works in different areas of the state. The call has remained to Pennsylvania. Additionally, Bro Cluster has served as NAM Director and is currently District Superintendent. Sister Cluster serves as Ladies Ministries Director. God began to turn their focus to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Allentown metro aeras in late 2022. Their vision and burden is to facilitate Church Planting in the heavily populated metro areas. They were approved as Metro Missionaries to Philadelphia in 2023.
Jimenez, Santy & Stephanie - Miami, FL
In 2012, they felt a call to plant a church in a needed city. They were approved and planted one in Miami, FL where they began their Pastoral journey at Iglesia Virtud (Virtue Church) 12 years ago. As pastors, their burden for the city of Miami and passion to reach the lost only grew, leading them to plant their first daughter work in Cutlerbay, FL. Two years ago they opened a second daughter work. Miami didn’t just become their home, but their God-appointed mission. Santy’s innate love for people and undeniable burden for church planting has led him to serve in various areas in ministry. Santy & Stephanie have dedicated their lives to serving God and sharing the revelation of Jesus Christ together with their two miracle boys, Sian & Sianel.
Thompson, Galen & Ann - Rocky Mountain District
Galen Thompson and his wife, Ann, are church planters, teachers, trainers, and leaders. They are passionate about training church planters. In 2018, Galen was asked to serve as Director of Training for North American Missions, UPCI. Since then, he has created extensive church planters’ curriculum for NAM. In 2024, they were appointed as Forward Missionaries to the Rocky Mountain District, where they will take their 40+ years of experience and training into the field as circuit riders, with a goal to start multiple churches within the unreached areas of Montana.
Willis, Donny & Ashley - New York City, NY
Within New York City's fascinating makeup lies the remarkable fact that approximately 8 million souls speaking 700 different languages call it home. In order to make an impact in this grand city the UPCI is excited to commission church planters Donny and Ashley Willis as Metro Missionaries to reach #ForNewYork. Donny and Ashley have served as pastor in New York since 2017 to two churches, one in the suburbs and the other which they started in the heart of Times Square. With your financial support they are ready to start the next church in the New York Metro. Together let’s reach NYC for Jesus! Learn more at fornewyork.faith