Will you help us reach The Next Town?
The United Pentecostal Church International has 4,819 works in North America to reach a population of 363 million people.
73 million people in North America (20%) live in a non-metro area. There are 3,854 non-metro churches which means 1 church per 190,000 people.
290 million people in North America (80%) live in our metro areas. There are 965 metro churches which means 1 church per 300,000 people.
80% of the population lives in a metro area but only 1 in 5 UPCI churches are found there.
Our metro cities need churches.
Our metro cities need churches. -
In North America, 80% of the population lives within a metro city but only 20% of UPCI churches lie within those areas. Over the last 25 years, Metro Missions has a proven track record of reaching target cities with the truth of God’s word! To date, 40 Metro Missionaries have completed deputation and gone into their city of appointment to bring the Gospel. Those Missionaries have planted 27 UPCI daughter works, totaling 55 churches in the approved Metro cities for a success rate of 186%.
Here's how it works:
A minister is called by God to plant a church in a pre-approved metro city.
The minister is approved through their current District Board and then by the District Board in the district in which he/she desires to plant the church. Next, approval is sought from the North American Missions Administrative Committee.
The approved missionary raises financial support by partnering with churches around North America.
The missionary plants a church!

Jonathan Barley
Jonathan Barley grew up in Hobart, Indiana. He graduated from Jackson College of Ministries in 1986 and later received a Bachelor of Science in Business from Indiana University and a Masters of Business Administration from Louisiana State University. He married his wife, Krista, from Stockton, California, in 1994; they have 3 college-aged children: Ethan, Julia, and Austin. They have pastored First Church in Hobart, IN, since 2000 and started a daughter work, City Pentecostal Church, in Chicago in 2014. Jonathan served as the Indiana NAM Director for nine years.